I am a data specialist happiest when I am creating something or when discovering something new. Even better when they have unclear specifications.






Solar Analytics

Designing algorithms to detect faults in residential solar systems and provide insights resident’s energy usage. And any other data wrangling that needs to happen.

Senior Data Scientist

January 2019 - July 2020

  • Built data infrastructure in AWS, using EMR, glue and athena, to easily able to provide datasets to external parties
  • Produced business cases for future analytical projects
  • Instigated an onboarding process for all new interns and employees.
  • As privacy officer, ensured Australian Privacy Principles and other international standards were adhered to
  • Conceived and organised an annual data symposium to promote Solar Analytics as a leader in energy data in Australia

Data Scientist

April 2016 - January 2019

  • Designed a method using Kalman filters to better detect potential solar panel faults, reducing the number of solar performance tickets by 90%
  • Using statistical techniques, reduced the number of false positives by 20% and reduced the time taken to detect when solar panels have stopped producing energy.
  • Explored other potential algorithm improvements using machine learning techniques such as random forests and artificial neural networks
  • Designed the Google Analytics implementation and provided regular insights on user engagement and experience, and gave analytics insights from user surveys including NPS
  • Created and reported on business metrics relating to the subscription model

Mathematics and Computer Science Tutor, University of Wollongong and University of Newcastle

January 2008 - July 2014

  • Engaged students through tutoring huh and marking for a variety of mathe- matics and computer science subjects and catered for a range of skills and backgrounds
  • Produced university level mathematics course materials
  • Taught students practical skills such as C++, Matlab, Arena and Excel


Postgraduate Research (Mathematics), University of Newcastle

June 2011 - February 2016 Two research projects Picking Items for Experimental Sets And Heuristics for Integer Programs, supervised by Prof. Natashia Boland.

  • Using Mixed Integer Programming to create methods that can be used to select unbiased sets of data
  • Exploring different projection methods to find intersections between sets to be used as a heuristic for Mixed Integer Programming

B Mathematics (Hons)/B Computer Science, University of Wollongong

March 2006 - November 2010

Honours’ thesis titled Artificial Intelligence for Microsimulations, supervised by Dr. Ian Piper

  • Created an intelligence module which mimics belief transfer between agents
  • Used simulations to model terrorist threats to Sydney Central station


Co-chair of Science and Data Stream, PyConAu

2019, 2020

Responsibilities include advertising the science and data steam call for proposals, reviewing and selecting talks, chairing the talks on the day

Sydney Python meetup organiser


I organise a monthly meetup for the python community in Sydney. Responsibilities include inviting potential speakers and liaising with the venue

Girls Programming Network


Tutoring school age girls in programming at the Girls Programming Network Workshops


What is the most common street name in Australia?

Inspired by a news article which showed that many street names in the USA were plant names, I decided to find out what is the most common street name in Australia. I have presented this work at many conferences including YOW! Data, Linux Conference Australia and Pycon Australia. Tools: Python, geopandas, Open Street Map, jupyter

Weather Context

This is a twitter bot. @weather_context, that tweets the daily minimum and maximum and how it compares to the historical norm. The goal was to create a simple tool that puts our current climate in context Tools: Python, AWS Lambda, scrapy, tweepy