Advent Of Code Day 3

2 minute read

Third day of Advent of Code. During undergrad, my favourite comment I got on an assignment was ‘This code should be taken out and be shot’1. I feel like my solution for Day 3 is another example of this.

I started out with good intentions. I wanted to create a list of tuples showing where the wires went, take the intersection, then calculate the distances. But I couldn’t work out how to generate a list of tuples. And then my OR background kicked in and I thought matrices, they are nice. Lets make matrices of the path.

A matrix was a solution. But they are very big, break if the path goes outside their bounds, slow and lots of wasted memory. This is one of the problems I would like to go back and resolve once I have a better handle on R funamentals.

In the meantime, I’m reading R for data science and properly understanding these R solution for day 3 - solution 1 and –(solution 2)[ My other big learning is to develop with the example as input: it is much quicker to debug if you don’t need to load up a 30,000x30,000 matrix.


define_directions <- function(direction, value)
  if (direction == 'R'){
    movement <- c(0, value)
  else if (direction == 'L'){
    movement <- c(0, -1*value)
  else if (direction =='U'){
    movement <- c(value, 0)
  else if (direction == 'D'){
    movement <- c(-1*value, 0)
    print('Unknown direction')

manhatten <- function(pos1, pos2)
  abs(pos1[1] - pos2[1]) + abs(pos1[2] - pos2[2])

# There is a warning message saying incomplete final line, but comparing the lengths it it fine
steps <- data.frame(t(read.table('day3.txt', sep=',',header=FALSE,'wire1', 'wire2'))))
steps <- steps %>% separate(wire1,
                   into=c('wrire1_dir', 'wire1_steps'),                                      

steps <- steps %>% separate(wire2,
                   into=c('wrire2_dir', 'wire2_steps'),                                      

current_pos = c(0,0)

#steps <- 
#cal <-  purrr::map2(steps$wire1_dir, steps$wire1_steps, define_dire

matrix_size <- 30000
#matrix_size <-20
wire1_path <- matrix(0L, nrow = matrix_size, ncol = matrix_size)
wire2_path <- matrix(0L, nrow = matrix_size, ncol = matrix_size)
centre_point <- c(matrix_size/2, matrix_size/2)

wire1_last_position <- centre_point
wire2_last_position <- centre_point

wire1_path[wire1_last_position] <- -1
wire2_path[wire2_last_position] <- -1

wire1_steps <- 0
wire2_steps <- 0

for(row in 1:nrow(steps))
  wire1_move <- wire1_last_position + define_directions(steps[row, 'wrire1_dir'], steps[row, 'wire1_steps'])
  wire2_move <- wire2_last_position + define_directions(steps[row, 'wrire2_dir'], steps[row, 'wire2_steps'])
  # Setting all the posisitions transversed in the last move to 1
  wire1_path[wire1_last_position[1]:wire1_move[1], wire1_last_position[2]:wire1_move[2]] <- pmin(wire1_steps + 0:steps[row, 'wire1_steps'])
  wire2_path[wire2_last_position[1]:wire2_move[1], wire2_last_position[2]:wire2_move[2]] <- pmin(wire2_steps + 0:steps[row, 'wire2_steps'])
  print(wire1_steps + 0:steps[row, 'wire1_steps'])
  wire1_steps <- wire1_steps + steps[row, 'wire1_steps']
  wire2_steps <- wire2_steps + steps[row, 'wire2_steps']
  wire1_last_position <- wire1_move
  wire2_last_position <- wire2_move

min_dist_manhat = 10000000000
min_dist_steps = 10000000000
for(row in 1:matrix_size)
  for(col in 1:matrix_size)
    if(wire1_path[row, col]>0 & wire2_path[row, col] >0 & row != centre_point[1] & col != centre_point[2])
      dist <- manhatten(centre_point, c(row, col))
      min_dist_manhat <- min(c(dist, min_dist_manhat))
      dist <- wire1_path[row, col] + wire2_path[row, col]
      min_dist_steps <- min(c(dist, min_dist_steps))
# Part 1
# Part 2

  1. Don’t try to write your own shuffle algorithm. Fisher-Yates is your friend 
